Earning Disclaimer

UpScale E-Commerce PVT Ltd (“Company,” “we,” or “us”) owns and runs this website. As a visitor or a registered user, you may access and use S.S PVT Lrd, including any content, features, and services made available on or through Upscale EC Limited (the “Website”), in accordance with this Disclaimer, the Terms of Use, and the Privacy Policy.Before using the website, please take the time to thoroughly read the Disclaimer. You accept and agree to be bound by the Disclaimer by using the Website or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Use when this choice is presented to you. You must not access or use the Website if you do not want to accept the Privacy Policy.

All claims regarding earnings and income stated by Bassam Haider, UpScale E-Commerce PVT Ltd, and their advertisers and sponsors (collectively) are merely aspirational forecasts of your potential earnings. The outcomes will differ and are not typical. We make no promises that you will achieve the same outcomes as us. The sales numbers listed above are our own as well as those of our students and previously developed programmes. The average person receives little to no results from following any “how to” advice. I’m only using these sources as illustrative examples. Your results will differ and rely on a variety of variables, such as your background, experience, and work ethic, among others. Every company involves risk as well as significant and ongoing effort. This isn’t for you if you’re not ready to embrace that.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY – Only educational and informational uses are intended for the information on this website and the tools that can be downloaded through this website.

NOT PROFESSIONAL ADVICE – The information on this website and the resources that can be downloaded from it are not meant to be, and they should not be taken as, professional advice. Although the Company’s owners and/or employees are professionals, and the information on this website relates to matters that fall under the Company’s purview of professionalism, the information on this website should not be used as a substitute for advice from a professional who is familiar with the particulars of your particular situation. We have made every effort to ensure that the data on this website and the tools that can be downloaded are accurate and contain useful data. The Company strongly advises that you consult an expert for guidance. The Company, its owners, or any of its employees are not liable or accountable for any mistakes or omissions on this website or for any harm you may experience as a result of disregarding expert counsel when you need it most.

NO PROFESSIONAL-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP – You and the Company or any of its professionals do not enter into a professional-client relationship as a result of your use of this website, including any implementation of recommendations made here and/or use of any resources made accessible there. Unless and until we decide that there is a fit and until various requirements, such as fee arrangements, are satisfied, the Company cannot take you as a client. As a result, you acknowledge and concur that by using this website, we have not established a professional-client relationship.

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NO GUARANTEES –  You acknowledge that the Company has not promised specific outcomes for taking any action, whether or not it has been suggested on this website. The Company offers learning and informational tools with the goal of assisting website visitors in their offline and online business success. You acknowledge, however, that your ultimate success or failure will depend on your own efforts, your specific situation, and a host of other factors that are outside the Company’s awareness or control. You also understand that past performance does not ensure future success. There is therefore no assurance that you or any other person or organization will achieve the same results as those attained by others who have applied the guidelines outlined in this website, whether they were clients or customers of the Company or not.

ERRORS AND OMISSIONS – This World Wide Web site is a free source of general knowledge that is meant to be accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date but is neither promised nor guaranteed to be so. Although we have made a reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of the material on this website, we cannot guarantee that there are no errors. You agree to exercise due diligence to confirm any information you learn from this website and/or its resources before acting on it because you acknowledge that it’s possible that the material on it is inaccurate. You hereby declare that you will not depend on any of the information on this website.

REVIEWS – We might occasionally offer evaluations of goods, services, or other resources. Reviews of publications, products, and/or software programmes may fall under this category. These reviews will always be honest reflections of the author’s viewpoints. As an inducement to write an evaluation, the Company might receive the goods and services in question for nothing or at a discount. We will offer frank evaluations of these goods and/or services regardless of any reductions. You understand that you shouldn’t depend solely on any reviews posted on this website and that you should do your own research. Any discounts or rewards we receive in return for writing a product review will be made public. Send an email with the description of the reviewed product in the subject line to support@upscaleecom.com if you’d like more information about any such discounts and incentives. Any rewards or discounts we received in connection with any such evaluation will be disclosed in our email response.

AFFILIATE LINKS – The Company occasionally engages in affiliate marketing and might permit affiliate links to be placed on some of our sites. This means that if/when you click on or make transactions through affiliate links, we might receive a commission. The Company will only affiliate with goods, services, coaches, advisors, and other professionals that we think will benefit our clients and followers, as a matter of policy. If one of the links is an affiliate ad, the Company will let you know. You acknowledge that it is ultimately your duty to determine whether any affiliate offers are appropriate for your company and advantageous to you. You won’t depend on any advice, references, or data offered by the Company; rather, you’ll carry out your own research and use the results of that research to decide whether or not to buy the affiliate product or service.The Company will occasionally present chances for you to make money through associate marketing. You can access these possibilities through your membership page, which is provided by the Company. Each “done for you business” chance will be accompanied by information on the commission that can be earned. Despite the fact that activities will be automatically documented, it is your duty to keep a separate record of your efforts and achievements in order to prevent mistakes or inconsistencies.

NO ENDORSEMENTS – The Company will occasionally make references to other goods, services, coaches, advisors, and/or specialists. Any such reference is not meant to imply approval or the veracity of the data offered by the other entity. The Company offers this data to consumers as a resource. It is your duty to research any such product, service, coach, consultant, and/or expert on your own and come to your own conclusions.

TESTIMONIALS – You can find endorsements for the products and services offered on this website or by the company at different points throughout this website. The testimonials on this website accurately reflect the opinions of real clients and/or customers. Although the outcomes mentioned in these testimonials are accurate representations of what these clients and/or customers experienced, they may not be typical. You explicitly acknowledge and agree that the results you or anyone else will experience from using any goods or services advertised on this website or by the company are not guaranteed by the testimonials.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER – The company may occasionally provide an update on a current or former client’s or customer’s achievements. The customer correctly portrays the details of this success. You understand that your future success is not guaranteed by the achievements of others. Your results will depend on your unique capabilities, business experience, expertise, and degree of desire, as with any business. Regarding the degree of achievement you might have, there are no guarantees. You assume the risk that your earnings and income statements will vary from those of others, and there is no assurance that you will receive anything at all. Success is based on each person’s background, commitment, desire, and drive. You acknowledge that the decision to use our information, products, and services should be based on your own due diligence and that the Company is not responsible for any business success or failure that may result from your use of the information, products, or services that are the subject of this website’s reviews or advertisements.

No warranties – The business disclaims any guarantees regarding the functionality or efficiency of this website. In addition, the business disclaims all express and implied representations and warranties with regard to the information, materials, documents, programs, goods, books, or services included on or accessible through this website. The business disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a specific purpose, to the fullest extent permitted by law. Limitation of Liability: By using the information on this website and/or the resources you may obtain from it, you agree to release the business from any and all liability or loss that you or any person or entity connected to you may suffer or incur. You acknowledge and agree that use of this website will not subject the business to liability for any loss or damages, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, compensatory, or consequential. The website’s content, including the data, tools, goods, and services it offers, could have inaccuracies or typographical errors. The data presented here is updated on occasion. The business and/or its suppliers reserve the right to update and/or modify the website at any moment. The business and/or its suppliers make no claims as to the information, software, products, services, and associated graphics on the website being appropriate, reliable, available, timely, and accurate for any reason. All such material, software, products, services, and associated graphics are provided to the fullest extent “as is” without warranty or condition of any kind.In relation to this information, software, goods, services, and associated graphics, the company and/or its vendors hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions, express or implied, including all implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement. The company and/or its suppliers will not, under any circumstances, be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages or any other damages, including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data, or profits, resulting from or connected in any way to the use or performance of the website, with the delay or inability to use the website or related services. whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or any other legal theory, for the provision of or failure to provide services, or for any information, software, products, services, and related graphics obtained through the website, or otherwise arising out of the use of the website, even if the business or any of its suppliers have been informed of the possibility of damages. The above restriction may not apply to you because some states/jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages. Your single and exclusive remedy is to stop using the website if you are unhappy with any aspect of it or any of these terms of use.Message Us – Regarding the Disclaimer, UpScale E-Commerce PVT Ltd welcomes your inquiries or remarks at support@upscaleecom.com

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